Senior Items for Orchestra Banquet:

1. Senior Information Due: Monday 5/9

Complete the senior information form so that you can be recognized at the banquet. 
Senior Information Form

2. Senior Photo (Individual) Due: Monday 5/9

Upload a nice portrait shot of you from this year that we can showcase for the orchestra banquet.  Upload Senior Photo Here

3. Senior Baby Photo (Individual) Due: Monday 5/9

Upload a photo of you from when you were a baby or young child that we can showcase for the orchestra banquet.  Upload Senior Baby Photo Here

4. Senior Poster Information Due: Monday 5/9

Complete the senior poster information form so that we can design a poster and recognize you at the banquet. Senior Poster Info Form

5. Senior Poster Photos Due: Monday 5/9

Upload a selection of photos of you that you would like to have on your senior poster. Give us some options so that we have some to choose from.  
Upload Senior Poster Photos Here

6. Senior Spotlight Video Due: Saturday 5/14

Senior Spotlight is a time where we honor our senior class in the orchestra program. This is an opportunity for you to be recognized in front of the orchestra program as our most dedicated and experienced members of the program. Senior Spotlights will be in the form of a video/slideshow with voice overs.
More details can be found here: Senior Spotlight Guidelines Here 

You can upload your video to a cloud drive and send the link to OR put the video on a flashdrive/SD card and give it to Mr. Mori.